Raven Club Wraparound
Did you know we have before and after school wraparound care?
From 7.45am until 5.45pm, we are able to offer places for up to 48 children (dependent on ages) in our wraparound provision called Raven Club. Based within the school across three rooms and utilising our outdoor spaces, the children are taken care of by an experienced team.
They are provided with a variety of entertainment and stimulating activities to keep them busy whilst you're, well... busy!
If before and after school care is something you require, please feel free to send us an email making sure to include the following details:
- What days you require
- Whether you need am/pm/both
- The children you require care for.
24/25 pricing
AM (7.45 - 8.45) - £4.25 per day, £21.25 per week
PM (15.00 - 17.45) - £8.75 per day, £43.75 per week
All day (both sessions) - £13.00 per day, £65.00 per week