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Ravensdale Primary School

Welcome to Year 5 

Our P.E days are Monday and Thursday.  Come to school in your P.E. kit on  these days.  Please make sure all earrings are removed. 

Year 5 are split into Barn Owls taught by Mrs Dean and Tawny Owls taught by Miss BarskyjMiss Murray works across Year 5.  Mrs Russell (Music) and Mr Collings (Sports Coach) also deliver some lessons each week.  

Our Learning

Click here to find out more information on our learning during the Summer term.

Click here to find out more information on our learning during the Spring term.

Click here to find out more information on our learning during the Autumn term. 

Click here to view the slides shared during the September curriculum information evenings. 


Homework is set every Friday.  Everything you need is here:

Spelling - complete the activities linked to this week's spelling rule. We have a spelling test each Thursday before we learn the next rule on Friday. Log on to spelling shed here.

Times tables - practise your times tables as much as possible. The garage is where you level up and earn the most points per answer! Use the studio to set your 'rock status'. Log on to TTRS here.

Independent Reading - aim to read for at least 10 minutes per day. Your child should have a banded reading book. Please ensure that banded reading books are brought into school each day along with their reading diaries. 


Year 5 Photo Gallery