🏫 Welcome to Year 4 👩🏫
🐦 Year 4 are split into Swifts taught by Miss Mitchell and Swallows taught by Mr Spelman. Children are supported by Mrs Madden. Mrs Russell teaches music and our sports coach, Mr Collings, teaches PE.
🎨Year 4 Art Day on Tuesday 22nd October🖌️
🏃 Our P.E days are Monday and Wednesday. Children should come to school in their school P.E. kit on this day if they are taking part. Please ensure earrings are removed.
🏊Year 4 swimming lessons will begin in the Summer Term (April 2025).
Our Learning
🌷 Spring Curriculum Map (Jan-March)
☀️ Summer Curriculum Map (April-July)
Be sure to check the official Ravensdale Twitter and our monthly Ravensdale Mail to see us in action.
Homework is set every Friday. Everything children need is here:
⚡Times Tables - Use Times Table Rock Stars in garage mode for at least 5 minutes a day. Other modes can be used for extra practice but garage mode focuses on the times tables children need to practise next. Children's username and passwords are stuck in the back of their reading diaries. Log in into TTRS here. Children will have a weekly times table test on Fridays. Year 4 students across England sit a statutory Multiplication Test Check (MTC) in June. More information will be provided to parents in the Autumn Term.
📚Independent Reading - Aim to listen to your child read aloud for at least 10 minutes a day. Children will have a banded reading book and a self-chosen book from our school or class library. Please ensure that reading diaries and banded reading books are taken and brought back each day.
🎯Spelling - Use Spelling Shed to practise this week's spelling rule - found under 'assignments'. Log in to Spelling Shed here.
Our new spelling rule, set on Friday 11th October is words with the prefix 'sub' meaning below or under.
The words children can practise on Spelling Shed are: submarine, substandard, subheading, subway, submit, subtropical, subtitle, subject, subdivide, submerge. Children should learn these words for their test on Thursday.
Year 4 News
🎨 Year 4 Art Day is taking place on Tuesday 22nd October. This is a whole day of art in school. Children will be using watercolours to explore tints and shades, exploring different painting techniques, and developing their ideas to create a still life painting. We do not intend to be messy but if you wish to send an apron or large tshirt in for children to wear over their uniform, you are more than welcome. As always, please put a name on anything sent to school so it can be easily returned to you if misplaced.
👋 Thank you to those who joined us for our parent information evening on Wednesday 11th September. A summary of the meeting, is available here.
Further information about the Multiplication Check Test sat by Year 4 students in June, will be provided in the second Autumn half-term.
Be sure to check the official Ravensdale Twitter and our monthly Ravensdale Mail to catch up on other news.
Useful Information
Online Safety Advice
We've gathered resources of children and families. Click here.
Whilst children may begin to select and develop their own styles in later years, to meet the expected standard in English, they must use the correct letter formation and join their handwriting. As a school, we have adopted the Nelson Handwriting scheme. Students are already making fantastic progress with their letter formation and joined handwriting.
Dots indicate 'breaks' where the pencil is lifted and no join is made to the next letter.
Further information from the schemes creator, Oxford Owls, is available on their website. They provide example activities but, should you have further questions about how to support your child at home, please speak to your child's class teacher.