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Ravensdale Primary School

Welcome to Year 1

Year 1 is split into Hummingbirds taught by Mrs Bridge and Nightingales taught by Mr Woods.  Mrs Knight and Mrs Anderson work across Year 1. Mrs Russell (Music) and Mr Collings (Sports coach) also deliver some sessions each week. 


Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday. Please come to school in your PE kit on these days. Please make sure earrings are removed



Our Learning

Everything you need to know about what we are learning during the Spring Term can be found in our latest curriculum map.





Phonics Screening will take place across the week beginning Monday 9th June. Your child will be screened at some point throughout this week. In order to ensure your child is even more prepared, please practise real and alien words at home with them. A fantastic resource for this is www.phonicsplay.com or https://www.phonicsbloom.com/. Please click here for some examples of real and alien words. 


Homework is set weekly. 

Everything you need is below:

Monday and Thursday:

📚 Independent Reading

Aim to read your banded book for at least 10 minutes a day.

We are able to change books in school on Monday and Thursday. Please ensure your child's book is in school to be changed at least once a week.

Remember to enjoy your own books from home too! 

Please click here for our guide and tips on how to read with your child at home. 

Children have their Numbots and Spelling Shed logins inside the front cover of their Reading Records. 

🎯 Spelling - complete the games and activities set on Spelling Shed that link to the week's Year 1 common exception words. >>Log in to Spelling Shed here

I am so sorry that I keep forgetting to update this every Friday.

Spellings - Test on Thursday 13th February

We have now two groups for spellings. Your child will be told which group they are in on Friday 10th January.

Mickey Mouse group - 100 high frequency words

that, all, with, we, can

Donald Duck group - 200 high frequency words

better, birds, boat, book, box

⏱️ Numbots - see if you can complete the challenge of spending 10 minutes at least 3 times per a week on Numbots. >>Log in to Numbots here

Please also practise number bonds to 10 and 20 and doubling up to double 10. Thank you.

Trip letter - please could we have the reply slip regarding your child's lunch choice back by Monday 3rd March. Thank you.