Organisation and Planning
At Ravensdale Primary School, our curriculum is based on the September 2014 National Curriculum for Key Stages 1 and 2 and the Early Years 2021 framework in Reception.
National Curriculum for Key Stages 1 & 2 (2014)
All teachers are responsible for planning and evaluating the learning in their classes, doing so from long term plans that are set out or agreed by the relevant subject leaders.
These leaders monitor and co-ordinate their subject across the school, offering guidance and support to all staff. The Senior Leadership Team and Headteacher oversee the Ravensdale Curriculum in its entirety.
Class teachers collaborate and plan regularly to ensure continuity of provision and we also moderate assessment judgements against standardised expectations and outcomes across the year groups.
Our curriculum is ambitious and goes beyond the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum, sequencing teaching and learning with care and thought across all the required subjects. Where possible, we also connect the teaching and learning of subjects, bringing skills and knowledge together into cross-subject thematic units of work.
We believe the discrete teaching and learning of English and maths can be further deepened through the activities and outcomes our children enjoy as part of their wider curriculum teaching and learning.
We're proud of our curriculum and believe it gives our learners fantastic opportunities to be the best they can be both in school and beyond.