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Ravensdale Primary School


Maths is everywhere and it is magic! Children should not be afraid of making a mistake as every mistake is a learning opportunity and should be thought of as a ‘rethink’! In maths, unlike in any other subject, adults and children are likely to have more of a fixed mind set – you may hear parents saying things like: ‘Well I wasn’t good maths, so my child isn’t either…’ We must make sure that we are fostering a culture which talks about having a growth mindset. We must talk about effort, and we must not put a ceiling on any child’s learning. 


Maths is a skill we use on a daily basis and is an essential part of everyday life. Therefore, mathematics forms an important part of our broad and balanced curriculum where we endeavour to ensure that children develop long-lasting learning, a confidence and an enthusiasm for maths that will stay with them throughout their lives and empower them in their futures. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) are career paths we aim to highlight and inspire our children into, and Maths is a key component in that.


ravensdale maths workshop for website.pdf